Although recovery from TUBA is often less demanding and uncomfortable on the patient than standard incision techniques, transumbilical breast augmentation is still surgery.   And with surgery comes responsibility, the need for downtime and the need for physical self-care different from what you are accustomed to.

First and foremost, you simply must abide by your surgeon's instructions.  This is very important as your surgeon knows best what you may need to do or not do in order to increase your chances of a positive result and general good health.  Post-operative care includes taking it easy.  Your body needs time to heal and its energy must be spent on recovery.  Feed your body good, healthful foods--snacks are fine but should not dominate your diet.  A balanced diet and plenty of water will help your body heal itself.

Be sure that you take all of your prescribed medications on time and as directed.  Do not miss antibiotics or other necessary medications and be sure to take your pain medications as prescribed so that you are never in any pain.  Discomfort when you move can be expected but if you experience any overwhelming pain please contact your surgeon.

Attend all of your post-operative appointments, this is important to gauge your progress so that your surgeon may make necessary adjustments if need be.  If you were instructed, be sure to perform your massage exercises or other instructions to help your breasts drop into place or soften.

What To Expect Initially
When you initially awake, you may be very disoriented depending upon the anesthesia used, or medications administered while you were sedated.  You will more than likely feel a little discomfort or a pressure sensation on your chest--or you may feel nothing.  If you are in pain, alert the recovery nurse so that you may be given a pain reliever.

You may also feel a little cold and nauseous.  If this is so, you should alert the recovery nurse so that she or he may give you another blanket or turn up the heat lamp.  If you are sick you may be given a little bit of water or nausea medication.  

You may also feel emotional, regretful and even cry--this is all very normal if you experience it as aesthesia can make us very confused and distressed.  These feelings will subside in a few days.

You will probably feel discomfort when you get home; more than likely you will sleep for several hours.  Be sure you take your prescribed medications on time.  After you eat a little something and take your medications you can relax or sleep as you see fit.  Just make sure you have someone near you if you have to get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat, you can become very dizzy and may fall.  If you feel disoriented it is more than likely from the medications and/or anesthesia.  It is best to take pain medications on a full or slightly full stomach so that you do not experience the possible negative side effects.  If you feel rather disoriented yet pain-free after taking your medications, perhaps considering breaking it in half until you become accustomed to the dosage.

If you have any problems or concerns or experience anything you consider out of the ordinary, please contact your surgeon at once.  He or she will more than likely contact you the night after surgery to check your status and to answer any questions.  But even after hours, if you have a problem contact your surgeon's office who will direct you to the emergency number.  Better yet, have the emergency numbers and protocol handy in the event something happens.  Don't ever feel silly if you have a true concern and need to contact your surgeon or visit the E.R.  This your life and I assure you that your surgeon would rather be alerted than not if there is something amiss.

For support during your recovery time, we advise you to visit our Breast Augmentation & Breast Implants Discussion Forum.  Many patients are feeling the same way as you are at this very same moment and are at various stages of the recovery period.  It is often helpful and comforting to speak with patients who are going through the exact same experience as you are.



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(Updated on 02/23/10)
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